Beautiful templates

Choose from a variety of templates
to create your microsite.

Burger Food Truck

Microsite for a burger food truck features a vibrant color scheme of bright blue and vibrant orange.

Burger Food Truck

Modern Barbershop

Modern barbershop microsite featuring a stylish design and a range of services.

Modern Barbershop

Pizza Haven

A modern, visually appealing presentation microsite, showcasing a menu and contact information.

Pizza Haven

Sharp Edge Barbershop

The microsite for the barbershop is a sleek and modern site showcasing the services and pricing.

Sharp Edge Barbershop

DTS Airsoft

Landing page for a sports team featuring a blue-themed design, a clear Call-to-Action button, and a professional logo.

DTS Airsoft

Professional Portfolio

Professional portfolio showcasing Moraru Adrian's resume and projects in a blue color scheme.

Professional Portfolio